Funding for property purchase and business financing

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Funding for property purchase and business financing

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Juno provides business loans to agricultural and forestry companies for increasing working capital, acquiring forest and agricultural properties, and refinancing other credit obligations. Since 2016, AS ‘Juno’ has been a significant player in the development of Latvia’s forestry and agricultural sectors.
We, the Juno Group companies, believe that environmental protection is a crucial part of our work in the agricultural and forestry sectors. Professional, ethical, and responsible work, along with sustainable business practices, creates value not only today but also in the future, delivering economic, environmental, and social benefits.

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Apgrozāmā kapitāla finansējums

Mēs piedāvājam biznesa aizdevumu uzņēmuma apgrozāmo līdzekļu palielināšanai. Saņemiet piedāvājumu 24 stundu laikā.

Finansējums meža iegādei

Mēs piedāvājam finansējumu meža zemes iegādei. Saņemiet piedāvājumu 24 stundu laikā.

Finansējums lauksaimniecības
zemes iegādei

Mēs piedāvājam finansējumu lauksaimniecības zemes iegādei. Saņemiet piedāvājumu 24 stundu laikā.

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Applying for a loan: process & criteria

How to apply for a loan:

Applying for a loan only takes a few minutes using the online application form. Once submitted, our specialists will contact you to confirm the application. You’ll need to provide company information, a bank account statement, and an up-to-date balance sheet. After processing this data, you’ll receive an offer and a payment schedule. Once you approve the offer and we sign the agreement, the money will be transferred directly to your company’s bank account. Based on our experience, preparing an offer typically takes about 24 hours.

What are the conditions for receiving funding:

To qualify for a loan, you need to be:
• A company with at least 6 months of active business operations;
• A company registered in Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia;
• An average monthly turnover of at least €10,000.

Does the loan need to be secured?

Juno offers loans both with and without security. Unsecured loans are typically smaller, with higher interest rates and shorter repayment periods. If you need a larger loan, providing assets as collateral allows you to secure more significant funding at better interest rates.

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