We buy forests and felling
at high prices

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We buy forests and felling at high prices

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AS Juno acquires forest properties and felling sites throughout Latvia, ensuring high prices and a quick purchase procedure. If the documents received are correct, we can close the deal in as little as 7 days, with the property owner receiving the money in their account on the 7th day after sending the documents.

AS Juno acquires forest properties and felling sites throughout Latvia, ensuring high prices and a quick purchase procedure. If the documents received are correct, we can close the deal in as little as 7 days, with the property owner receiving the money in their account on the 7th day after sending the documents.


Acquisition of
felling timber

We buy felling, guaranteeing that it will be prepared before the felling certificate is issued and cleaned up after felling.

Acquisition of
forest properties

We buy undeveloped, partially or fully developed forests, encumbered forest properties, standing trees.


We draw up a transparent forest management plan and implement it in the forest owner’s interests.

Acquisition of
agricultural land

We buy agricultural land, agricultural land with overgrowth or forest, encumbered LFA properties.


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